
Monday, February 06, 2017

Dear Members,                                                                                         February 5, 2017                                                             
We had a really great meeting this past Thursday evening at Da Vinci Art Alliance. Thanks to those who made it. The minutes for that meeting are below.

I have two requests for you all first. 

1. Anyone out there in our membership experienced at writing press releases?

2. Anyone out there willing to host a meeting in your studio space at some point? I'd like our next meeting to be a weekend afternoon to give some opportunities to those who cannot come out on a weeknight. Looking at either the first or second weekend of March. The meeting would then incorporate you showing us your work and a discussion about it if you wished. Or perhaps you have a technique to share/teach? Email me if you are interested in hosting next month's meeting or any ones in the future!

Sarah R. Bloom
President, WCA Philadelphia Chapter
Philadelphia WCA Meeting - Thurs. Feb. 2, 2017
Chaired by Sarah Bloom, President of the Chapter
Attended by Susan Richards, Donna Quinn, Jennifer Johnson, LorRie Payne, Dixie O’Connor,
Liz Krick, and Rosalind Bloom.
-Brief history of the organization for the benefit of newcomers.
-Recap of dues and what is included.
Old Business;
Collaboration with DivaNation currently on hold. Will be revisited assuming there is sufficient interest on the part of both groups.
Art in the Age of Injustice. Upcoming show for April at DaVinci Art Alliance. April 2 -29thOpen to all women (and those who identify as women) in the Northeast region of the WCA, members and non-members. Chapters are listed on National WCA page as New Hampshire, Central Mass, Boston, NYC and Philadelphia. $20 for members. $35 non-members. Deadline Feb. 27thEnter via EntryThingy here:
We need someone to write a press release asap.
We need to promote the show hard as deadline is approaching fast.
-Discussion regarding fairness of entrance fees to be taken up at a later date.
-Sarah reported that she will be setting up a Google Group for the chapter as discussed at the previous meeting.
New Business
--National WCA Conference coming up this month. Sarah gave everyone print-outs about the 2017 Lifetime Achievement Awards. Dixie moved to send Sarah to NY to attend the WCA conference. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously after assurances were made that there was enough money in the Treasury.
--Sarah reported on a proposal from Linda Lin of the Women’s Art Initiative at Penn.
We listened to a tape of Linda presenting her idea; “Feminism Across Generations”.
This exhibition and series of events would take place in the Spring of 2018, in the Fox Gallery at Penn and would be a collaboration between our two groups. The gallery is rented to student groups at no cost and Linda is applying for a grant from Penn to cover other expenses. The project would seek to examine the legacy of feminist art of the past compared with and in contrast to contemporary feminist art. If possible, another venue might extend the reach of the exhibition.
Members were excited and interested in the idea both for its own sake and for the opportunity it would provide to attract younger artists to the WCA. Liz was interested in involving street artists, who tend to be younger, and would extend the concept to an urban context. (tagging, yarn bombing, sticker art, etc.). Jennifer mentioned “art boxes” as another outside the gallery walls idea.
Street art sparked a discussion of the Mural Arts Program and generated interest in a possible future project: a mural devoted to feminism/feminist art. Sarah said she would investigate how to get such a project considered by Mural Arts.
--Susan Richards brought a piece she is working on. She was looking for input on a particular problem regarding presentation. Everyone enjoyed looking at this work in progress and Lori Payne came up with a solution that Susan was happy to entertain.
--Old business was made new when the issue of chapter by-laws was brought up. Dixie, after a break last year, is ready to renew her commitment to creating by-laws for the chapter (along with Simone Spicer, if Simone is still willing). Susan made a motion to that effect and it was seconded by Donna. Whether the chapter should pursue legal non-profit status was tabled for discussion at some future date.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00.
Minutes submitted by Rosalind Bloom.

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